Our Mission Statement
Our Mission is to simply be the best in every area of our business. We will accomplish this by providing the most exceptional customer experience, being the best place to work, and strongly supporting our community, all while working together as ONE Galpin!
Our Core Values
Our core values are the pillars that support our Mission statement. They form the rock solid foundation that guides our individual and collective actions. These core values are intertwined so that each supports the other.

We always strive to do the right thing. Our commitment to the truth is unwavering, both in actions and in words.
Servants’ Attitude
We only exist to serve our internal and external customers, so their concerns are always at the forefront of our business. We will serve our clients with a genuine humility that leaves no doubt that they are the sole focus of all of our endeavors.
A personal choice to rise above one’s circumstances and demonstrate the ownership necessary for achieving key results: to See it, Own it, Solve it, and Do it. Doing it right the first time is not our goal, but our standard. We will hold ourselves responsible for this attention to detail in all of our duties.
Continuous Improvement
We are a dynamic organization that constantly seeks areas of growth and innovation. This growth starts at the personal level and continues into all aspects of our business.
Teamwork is our individual actions, brought together for our common purpose, which subordinates our individual needs to the needs of the group. We put aside our individual needs to work towards and accomplish the larger group objective. We cooperate, using our individual skills, and provide constructive feedback despite any personal conflict between individuals.
Fun is key to an enjoyable workplace. It encourages energetic contributions from our team members and creates an upbeat environment for our internal and external customers that helps differentiate us from our competition!